Reduce sales coverage costs

Sales people are expensive, but without sales your business will die. How can you reduce sales force costs without impacting sales?

One way is to use the right tool for the right job. Sales people are good at selling. They aren’t nearly as good, or as cost effective, at prospecting and nurturing – especially compared to specialists who have the right systems, methodologies and technology in place.

Sales people have a lot to do. The easier you can make their job and the more time they dedicate to actually selling the more they will sell. By providing them with a regular, predictable supply of sales-ready opportunities with trusted relationships already in place the Database Dept. can:

  • Increase your sales representatives’ selling time
  • Increase your leads to sales conversion ratio
  • Reduce your lead to sales conversion times
  • Stop your reps chasing unqualified leads that waste their time
  • Stop your reps chasing leads that will never close

We can help you cover your market more effectively and at a lower cost, free up your sales people and reduce your operational sales costs while selling more, just as help our clients like SAP, Google, Microsoft, CA and Adobe sell more with less effort.