Easily monitor and control Market Development Funding

When you provide your channel partners with MDF funding you want to know that they have used it effectively. You also want to see the results. But adding layers of complex reporting is cumbersome for you and your channel partners and can reduce campaign effectiveness.

We solve this problem for our Clients by incorporating their channel partners’ MDF funded campaigns into their own marketing strategy. Our WebONE Integrated Marketing Database can help you monitor and control MDF funding easily, access the results much easier and with significantly fewer administrative overheads and assess the ROI.

Influence partners to prefer your solutions

Many channel partners sell your competitors’ solutions as well as yours. So the more value you provide to them the more likely they will be loyal to you and promote your solutions.

It’s no longer enough to simply provide Marketing Development Funding (which is often accompanied by onerous reporting) – you need to help them to run coordinated marketing campaigns that fit with your overall strategy to maximise their effectiveness.

If you can tell them which companies to call, who to approach in those companies, what prior contact you’ve had with those prospects and provide tools to give a single customer and prospect view you’ll make their life much easier.

Our demand generation campaigns, aligned to your overall campaign strategy and our WebONE Integrated Marketing Database show your channel partners how you can help them sell more. And it can give them and you access to any information that you or your partner have gathered as the result of other campaigns to the same people.

This increases their chances of success, generates loyalty and gives you more sales. The more leads you help them generate and the more guidance you can give them, the more committed to you they will be.